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Profetia Aglowlle 2018

(Ote Jane Hansen Hoytin kirjeestä 21.11.2017)


- Kansainvälinen Aglow toimii Jumalan aikataulussa ja on johtava ääni maailmassa.


- Tämän vuosi on läpimurron portti Aglowlle. Olemme vastaanottaneet uuden tehtävän kuten Saul ja Barnabas Apt 13:ssa. Jane ja Aglow, lähetämme teidät apostoleina kansojen keskelle. 


-  Aglown tehtävänä on saada eri kansat seisomaan Israelin rinnalla ja muuttamaan asennettaan Israelia kohtaan.


- Jumala on asettanut Aglown hengellisesti ja maantieteellisesti tuomaan ihmisiä Hänen valtakuntaansa. 


- Jumala on antanut Aglowlle mahdollisuuden olla osana toista, strategista, olennaista Hänen aikaansaamaansa liikehdintää. Me tulemme olemaan yksi avainasemassa oleva järjestö Kolmannessa Suuressa Herätyksessä.  


- Aglow on jättiläisiä kaatava,  ilmojen valloissa auktoriteettiaseman saanut  järjestö, joka tulee olemaan mallina toisille siinä miten tuhotaan vihollisen linnakkeita.  


- Olette saanet uuden kuninkaallisen auktoriteetin valtikan. 


- Aglow,  lopun aikojen kuningaskunnan liikkeeksi valittu , tulee näyttämään esimerkkiä ja selittämään kaikkea sitä,  mitä taivas on maan päällä.

- Aglow on säilynyt tuoreena viinileilinä, joka vaeltaa sekä viisaudessa että ilmestyksessä, saaden strategioita maailman muuttamiseen. 


- Aglow, sinun mahtavimmat päiväsi ovat tulossa. 


- Uusi, henkilökohtainen vastuu lepää nyt Jumalan ihmisten harteilla tavalla, jota ei ole ennen nähty. 


- Sinun täytyy taloudellisesti kylvää kuukausittain siihen apostoliseen paikkaan, joka sinut on lähettänyt. 


 - Älä pelkää edessä olevia konflikteja, sillä  ne avaavat lukot varastoihin uutta aikakautta varten.


- Kaksi sukupolvea tulee vaeltamaan täysillä rinta rinnan ja saamaan takaisin kaiken sen , mikä on kadotettu, ja saamaan perintöosan seitsenkertaisena. 



November 21, 2017

Dear One,

Aglow's 50 Year Celebration 

I have not been the same since our 50th year celebration in Richmond Virginia. I feel a fresh fire and an expectation in my spirit that comes when there has been an overshadowing of the Holy Spirit.

My thoughts have often gone towards all that Mary had to "consider" following the words of the angel that she would conceive and bring forth Jesus in the coming days, as The Holy Spirit would overshadow her.

Dutch Sheets said, "There is an amazing weight of the Holy Spirit on this gathering. It is more than just an anniversary. It is a new mantling, a recommissioning. This is your breakthrough portal year."

He went on to say, "New doors are about to open to this ministry. What has been done thus far, which has been good, is small fruit compared to what God is going to do."

I would encourage you, as you read this letter, to let the Holy Spirit impart into your spirit, the fresh fire He is pouring out. Aglow has moved into a new place, into a fresh stance before the Lord. Like Mary, we have conceived new life and we are expectant to all that God will be doing in this ministry in the days ahead.

Great Britain National Conference

Following the Global Conference, Tony and I flew to Great Britain to attend their National Conference. It was a powerful time! The newness of the day was so evident in the atmosphere -- the mantel, the scepter, the recommissioning, all working together to release His Glory in the earth.

Be Expectant in 2018

Expect this to happen in your events and meetings as you move into 2018. What was poured out at our Global event will move throughout Aglow.

As Graham Cooke said when he stood to speak Sunday morning, "Prophets train all their life for moments like this." I would echo his sentiment by saying, "And those of us receiving that prophetic overshadowing of Holy Spirit, wait all our lives for a moment like this weekend, too."

If you were there, you know that what unfolded before us was incredibly huge, powerful beyond words. To be publicly displayed with the seal of His approval before principalities, powers, and rulers of wickedness, and the unified, apostolic army of Aglow International has caused me to be in awe of His Majesty daily. I hope you will purchase the DVDs or CDs if you were not able to attend. You will be grateful that you did. Visit for more information.

The Parade of Flags and Worship 

Many have said that even though they have been to Global Conferences many times, this year's Parade of Flags was more powerful than ever before. To see the nations come in as they were birthed into Aglow was astounding. From the United States, to the last nation joining us, the intentionality of God was chronologically displayed nation by nation. Truly, He has made Aglow a "visual aid in the earth."

His Majesty was displayed through powerful times of worship. Paul Wilbur joined us for a night of worship and Chuck Pierce said that Thursday night's worship was "a wonderful demonstration of what Heaven looks like in sound."

As I watched Paul after returning home, I heard things that I hadn't noticed that night. Paul was telling us that he was sent out by Asher Intrater from Jerusalem as a prophetic voice. As I listened to him, I knew that his declarations were changing the atmosphere over Israel and aligning them, as well as us, to step fully into the identity prepared for us from the beginning of time. We don't simply stand with Israel, we stand as Israel. Our commitment is an all in commitment.

And to have Ruth Collingridge with us, truly was like having Heaven on earth each time her fingers danced across the keys of the piano. We were overshadowed by His Presence from the beginning until the final amen.

Prophetic Statements 

I would like to share a few of the profound, identifying statements that were made by the speakers over Aglow.

  • Aglow International moves in God's time and is a leading voice in the earth.

  • This is a breakthrough portal year for Aglow. We received a new mantle and a recommissioning with an apostolic anointing like received by Saul and Barnabas in Acts 13. Jane and Aglow, we send you apostolically into the nations.

  • Aglow is mantled to realign nations to stand with Israel.

  • God has positioned Aglow spiritually and geographically to bring people into the Kingdom.

  • God has given Aglow the opportunity to be part of another strategic, integral move of God. We will be one of the key ministries involved in the Third Great Awakening

  • Aglow is a giant-killing organization having gained air superiority who will be a model to others of how to destroy strongholds.

  • A new scepter of royal Kingly authority is given to you.

  • Aglow, chosen as an end times Kingdom movement, is to exemplify all that Heaven is on earth.

  • Aglow has remained a fresh wineskin that moves in both wisdom and revelation, receiving strategies to change the world.

  • Aglow, your greatest days are ahead of you.

  • A new, personal responsibility now rests upon God's people like never before seen.

  • You need to financially sow monthly into the apostolic place that has sent you.

  • Do not fear the conflicts ahead, they will unlock provision for the next season.

  • Two generations fully align to regain all that has been lost and to bring our inheritance plus 7 times more.

As you can see by the above statements, it is easy to see why our time in Richmond left us with a sense of wonder and amazement which remains until today. To get a peek into what happened, watch this short 3 minute video

I cannot stress enough how imperative it is that we are all on the same page. It is not business as usual. You should expect to hear from me frequently as we move forward in this new place. God is watching our response to all that He sent His messages to impart. He trusts us. He has given us the whole world as our field.

We were cautioned to let go of the familiar so that we can step into the new -- we went through a portal at conference, don't allow the familiar to pull you back through. Things are not the same, change is on the horizon -- it is here among us. Let us be bold and courageous as we run into our future. He is watching us.

I look forward to speaking to you again in the near future as I roll out steps we will take together around the world to see all He has spoken to us unfold.

With great expectation,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International

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